Power Analyzers & Motor Drive Analyzers

3-phase Power Analysis – Electrical, Mechanical, and Control Analysis

Static-Dynamic-Complete Static-Dynamic-Complete
Vectors, Harmonics, dq0 Vectors, Harmonics, dq0
Mechanical Mechanical
Overview/Compare Overview/Compare
Uses/Applications Uses/Applications
Resources Resources

The Ultimate in 3-phase Power and
Control Analysis

Teledyne LeCroy Motor Drive Analyzers and our 8-channel, 12-bit resolution High Definition Oscilloscope (HDO®) platform acquire signals and calculate 3-phase electrical and mechanical power quantities.

  • Acquire any signal signal for short or long durations – everything on one display
  • Calculate 3-phase electrical and mechanical power at your bench
  • Correlate complex power, control and motor behaviors
  • Have all of the general-purpose utility of a high-bandwidth, high-resolution oscilloscope

An Oscilloscope and Power Analyzer in One Instrument

Teledyne LeCroy goes beyond the limitations of simple, single-function “black-box”
power analyzers and 4 channel oscilloscopes

Teledyne LeCroy combines the best of everything into a single instrument for complete test coverage with 12-bit resolution all the time and integrated 3-phase electrical and mechanical power calculations.

  • Up to 16 analog channels (16 digital optional) – acquire more, learn more
  • Capture control, sensor and power signals simultaneously, correlate problems quicker
  • Everything in one instrument, on one display with helpful dynamic power views

Usually limited to 8-bit resolution – insufficient for accurate power calculations. Or advertised resolution is only at reduced bandwidth and sample rates – insufficient for control analysis.

  • 8-bit resolution limits power calculation accuracy to ~5%
  • Limited channels for 3-phase power system debug
  • Primarily used for control system debug only

A power analyzer instrument is a specialized, single-purpose tool that can only capture low-speed power waveforms for very short periods of time with no dynamic power analysis capabilities

  • Static power analysis only
  • No control debug capability
  • Low speed, low sample rate (5 MHz bandwidth, 2 MS/s typical)

Static and Dynamic Power Analysis with Complete Test Capability

Teledyne LeCroy provides more capability than two separate instruments, at lower cost. Power calculations are
accurate to within 1% of a power analyzer, and helpful dynamic power views are provided to aid debug.

Static Power Analysis

Performs like a power analyzer instrument with fast updates on short acquisitions

  • Numerics table mean value display
  • Harmonics order calculations and vector displays
  • Short acquisition waveform display with fast updates
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Dynamic Power Analysis

Capture long records (seconds to minutes of capture time) and view power changes

  • Per-cycle Waveforms reveal detailed dynamic power behaviors
  • Zoom+Gate easily localizes dynamic behaviors
  • Capability that power analyzers don’t provide
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Complete Test Capability

High-bandwidth 12-bit resolution oscilloscope platform captures any signal

  • Easily correlate control, inverter subsection, power and motor behaviors
  • Calculate power as fast as a single semiconductor device switching cycle
  • One instrument – all information on one display
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3-phase Static Power Analysis

Teledyne LeCroy’s 3-phase power analysis software option and Motor Drive Analyzers can function like a power analyzer and perform static power analysis to an overall accuracy within 1% of a dedicated power analyzer.

Numerics Table

  • User-configurable table with up to 120 values
  • Mean value summaries of per-cycle calculations
  • Touch a table value for more details
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Harmonics Filtering, Calculations, Displays

  • DFT-based for precise spectral filtering
  • Full spectrum or Fundamental filtering standard
  • Harmonics option adds harmonic range filtering, spectral displays, and harmonic order table
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Vector Displays (optional)

  • Two simultaneous displays
  • Zoom+Gate to localize display during dynamic events
  • Harmonics filter applied to vector display calculations
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3-phase Dynamic Power Analysis

Teledyne LeCroy's 3-phase power analysis software option and Motor Drive Analyzers capture more information during seconds to minutes of system operation and provide detailed views of dynamically changing power quantities.

Complete Test Capability

Teledyne LeCroy goes beyond the limitations of simple, single-function “black-box” power analyzers and 4 or 8 channel oscilloscopes used for basic embedded controls testing.

Vector Displays, Harmonic Calculations and dq0 Transformations

Optional capabilities add more power to Teledyne LeCroy Motor Drive Analyzers and oscilloscopes with 3-phase power analysis software option.

Vector Displays

  • Two simultaneous displays (AC Input and Drive Output)
  • Arithmetic or vector sum calculations
  • Compatible with Zoom+Gate to show vector changes during dynamic events
  • Harmonic filters applied to vector displays
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Harmonics Calculations

  • Rigorous software DFT method precisely separates harmonics
  • Adds Fundamental+N and Range settings to Harmonic Filter
  • THD numeric calculations and per-cycle Waveforms
  • Harmonic order table and up to 9 spectral displays
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dq0 (Park) and αβγ (Clarke) Transformations

  • View two simultaneous dq0 and αβγ real-time transformations
  • Angle sensor support permits rotor-reference frame transformations
  • Replicate control system’s understanding of motor torque and speed
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Comprehensive Mechanical Speed, Angle, and Torque Interface

Teledyne LeCroy Motor Drive Analyzers permit measurement of speed, angle, torque and mechanical
power at your bench, and correlation of these measurements to control system operations.

Nine different speed, four different angle, and five different torque calculations or sensors are supported in the Motor Drive Analyzer. Infer speed and torque from other data and calculate mechanical power at your bench.

  • Quadrature encoder, pulse tachometer, and brushless DC (BLDC) Hall sensor support for speed calculations
  • Extract speed and torque information from serial data signals (optional with serial data TDME packages)
  • Interpret digital data as an analog speed waveform, as if the signal was directly probed

Modern digital sensors are fully supported in the Teledyne LeCroy Motor Drive Analyzer. Capture digital sensor data using digital mixed-signal oscilloscope inputs and conserve analog channels for other use.

  • Quadrature encoder, pulse tachometer, and brushless DC (BLDC) Hall sensor support for speed calculations
  • Extract speed and torque information from serial data signals (optional with serial data TDME packages)
  • Interpret digital data as an analog speed waveform, as if the signal was directly probed

Multi-signal, analog output sensors are easily interfaced to the Motor Drive Analyzer for calculation of speed and angle values and display as continuous waveforms.

  • SinCos, Resolver, and KMZ60 sensor support
  • Calculate instantaneous motor shaft angle values, apply angle tracking observer filter
  • Correct motor shaft angle to rotor magnetic field angle, and apply dq0 transformations to rotor reference frame

3-phase Electrical and Mechanical Power Analysis Solutions
Overview and Comparison

Teledyne LeCroy capabilities are provided in either an add-on oscilloscope software option (THREEPHASEPOWER) for
a 4 or 8 channel 12-bit high resolution oscilloscope, or in a dedicated Motor Drive Analyzer (MDA).

Analog Input Channels
Digital Input Channels
1-Phase Power Analysis
3-Phase Power Analysis
Mechanical Power Analysis
X-Y Traces
Harmonics Calc Option
Vector Display Option
Waveform Transformation Option
Software application screen image showing two voltage and two current waveforms for use in two wattmeter method power calculations
16 (on -MS models)
12 bits
350 MHz - 8 GHz
(2-wattmeter method only)
(αβγ & dq0 only)
Software application screen image showing a long capture of three voltage and three current waveforms with zooms and three wattmeter method power calculations.
8 (16 with OscilloSYNC)
16 (with MSO option)
12 bits
350 MHz - 2 GHz
(αβγ & dq0 only)
8 (16 with OscilloSYNC)
16 (with MSO option)
12 bits
350 MHz - 2 GHz

Motor Drive Analyzer and 3-phase Power Analysis
Uses and Applications

Design Roles

  • Inverter Subsection Engineers
  • Control Systems Engineers
  • Systems Engineers


  • Variable-frequency and variable speed (VFD and VSD) Motor drives
  • - AC induction motors (ACIM)
  • - Brushless DC motors (BLDC)
  • - Permanent-magnet synchronous motors (PMSM)
  • Integrated circuit designed for three-phase power and motor drive
  • Industrial automation, motion control and robotics equipment
  • Electric vehicles (cars, trucks, buses, eBikes, motorcycles, military, ships, aircraft)
  • - DC-AC propulsion inverters and motor drives
  • - DC-DC converters within vehicles
  • - DC-AC accessory drives (AC compressors, fans, pumps, etc.)
  • Elevators, conveyors, escalators
  • Large appliances
  • Small appliances
  • Battery-powered tools (drills, saws, cutters)
  • Wind energy equipment
  • Battery-power lawn and garden equipment
  • Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) systems
  • Machine tools
  • Backup generators
  • Solar PV inverters
  • Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS)
  • Grid-edge transmission and distribution (T&D) equipment


Document Name
Motor Drive Analyzer Datasheet

Describes capabilities and performance of Motor Drive Analyzer instruments for three-phase electrical power and mechanical power measurements.

3-phase Power Analysis Software

Describes capabilities and performance of the 3-phase Electrical Power Analysis software option for select Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscopes

Motor Drive Technical Primer Download Technical Primer
Comparing 3-phase Power Measurement Instruments

This brief summarizes how to correctly compare Yokogawa’s power analyzer instrument to the Teledyne LeCroy Motor Drive Analyzer and to explain any differences in measurement results between the two instruments.

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Two-wattmeter-method 3-phase Power Calculations with Accurate Line-Line to Line-Neutral Conversion

With this method, the calculated power values from each line-line voltage and line-neutral current pair are not in phase or balanced, though the total three-phase power value is correct. Accurate line-to-line to line-neutral conversion aids in understanding proper three-phase system operation.

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Testing AC Induction Motor Drives with the Motor Drive Analyzer

Traditional power analyzers provide only a static mean measurement capability for very short waveform acquisitions, Teledyne LeCroy’s Motor Drive Analyzer provides static and dynamic power analysis coupled with long acquisition times for comprehensive analysis of the motor drive’s performance and efficiency.

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Testing a Battery-powered Brushless DC (BLDC) Motor/Drive

Thorough characterization and analysis of a brushless DC motor and itsassociated drive circuitry requires the ability to view waveforms during dynamic events and to visualize the measurements over time.

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Complex Motor Drive and Control Interaction Testing

Motor drive control system debugging often requires the ability to view control and power waveforms concurrently during dynamic events to understand cause and ffect relationships, and visualize the dynamic power behaviors over time, correlated to control activity.

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Examining a Vehicular Propulsion Motor with a Motor Drive Analyzer

Analog torque load cells and analog tachometers are often used to measure torque and speed with calculation of mechanical power. Traditional power analyzers provide only a static mean measurement capability, but Teledyne LeCroy’s Motor Drive Analyzer provides static and dynamic power analysis and long acquisition times for comprehensive analysis.

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Small Motor Efficiency Measurements using the Motor Drive Analyzer

More than 90% of motor and motor-drive designs involve small, low-power motors and drives used in household, commercial, or light industrial applications. The Teledyne LeCroy Motor Drive Analyzer can measure drive and motor efficiency of these small motors at a bench without an expensive and/or scarce dynamometer.

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AC Input Dynamic Power and Harmonic Analysis using the Motor Drive Analyzer

The Teledyne LeCroy Motor Drive Analyzer (MDA) dynamically measures per-cycle power and harmonic distortion values, plots them as Waveforms, and permits easy correlation of these values to drive AC input waveforms.

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Volt-second Sensing Control Analysis in a DB-DTFC with the Motor Drive Analyzer

Deadbeat-direct torque and flux control (DB-DTFC) is an alternative to Vector FOC to achieve fast torque control. Evaluating the Volt-second sensing accuracy requires a precise measurement of Volt-seconds as the reference. Teledyne LeCroy's Motor Drive Analyzer provides such capabilities over each power-semiconductor switching period.

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Grinding Machine Per-phase Motor Analysis Using the Motor Drive Analyzer

Understanding the complete motor and drive electrical operation on a per-phase basis can aid in understanding how the motor and drive react as load conditions change

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Six-phase Motor Analysis Using the Motor Drive Analyzer

The Motor Drive Analyzer captures voltage and current signals from both winding sets, measures total static and dynamic power consumption, and calculates balance amongst the two winding sets.

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Dynamic Rapid Motor Acceleration Loss Measurements Using the Motor Drive Analyzer

The Motor Drive Analyzer is used to measure dynamic (transient) losses to enable better understanding of motor and drive efficiencies during real-world operation. Additionally, core and copper losses are calculated and compared to engineering models and the drive control feedback circuit.

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Static and Dynamic Motor Loss Comparisons Using the Motor Drive Analyzer

The Motor Drive Analyzer is used to calculate static and dynamic energy consumption in Joules, and to compare results for different types of motors and control systems.

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Analyzing Variable-flux Electric Machines with the Motor Drive Analyzer

The Motor Drive Analyzer is used to calculate power during very short time periods during a rotor magnetization, controlled energy pulse trajectory for a variable flux motor to ensure proper operation of the motor drive and control system

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Using a Quadrature Encoder Interface (QEI) with the Motor Drive Analyzer

The Motor Drive Analyzer acquires the Quadrature Encoder Interface (QEI) A, B and Z index signals and converts them to static and dynamic motor shaft speed and angle values

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Using a Resolver Interface with the Motor Drive Analyzer

The Motor Drive Analyzer uses the resolver sine, cosine and excitation frequency signals to to calculate motor shaft speed, angle and absolute position.

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Using CAN Digital Data for Speed Calculation in the Motor Drive Analyzer

The Motor Drive Analyzer is used to acquire CAN digital data, extract relevant motor speed digital information and convert it to an analog motor speed value that is displayed as a speed vs. time waveform.

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Using the CA10 Current Sensor Adapter with a Danisense FLux-gate Current Transducer

An example is described of programming the CA10 current sensor adapter to connect a Danisense flux-gate current transducer to a Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscope or Motor Drive Analyzer with results correctly scaled in ampere units

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Using the CA10 Current Sensor Adapter with a Pearson Current Transformer

An example is described of programming the CA10 current sensor adapter to connect a Pearson current transformer to a Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscope or Motor Drive Analyzer with results correctly scaled in ampere units.

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Using the CA10 Current Sensor Adapter with a PEM-UK Rogowski Coil

An example is described of programming the CA10 current sensor adapter to connect a PEM-UK Rogowski coil to a Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscope or Motor Drive Analyzer with results correctly scaled in ampere units.

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Using the CA10 Current Sensor Adapter with an AC Current Transformer

An example is described of programming the CA10 current sensor adapter to connect an AC current transformer to a Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscope or Motor Drive Analyzer with results correctly scaled in ampere units.

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Power Conversion poster
Line Voltage, Current,Power - The Basics Poster

Webinar Series – 3-phase Power and Motors Masters

This series concentrates on measuring high power, three-phase and motor inverter and drive systems with an 8-channel high-resolution oscilloscope or motor drive analyzer. Learn about static and dynamic measurements, from AC line to inverter switching to drive outputs to motor mechanical output power.

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Part 1 - How to Measure Inverter Dead Times and Input/Output Power

We describe techniques for measuring dead-times for gate-drive signals and device outputs to ensure that margins are achieved. We also assess input and output power of a simplified single-phase DC-AC inverter.

Part 2 – How to Perform Static and Dynamic Power Analysis

We describe the differences between static and dynamic power analysis and how to optimize setup and measurement for each. Special attention will be paid to visualizing dynamic power trends and correlation of these trends back to acquired voltage and current waveforms.

Part 3 – How to Correlate Control Events to Power Events

We review examples of using calculated per-cycle power waveforms to validate and debug control system operation to power section behaviors.

Part 4 – How to Measure Power During Volt-second and Other Short Power Periods

We review examples of power calculated during power periods equivalent to a device switching time. This is especially helpful for understanding instantaneous control response time, as required for deadbeat-direct torque and flux control

Part 5 – How to Perform AC Input and Inverter/Drive Output Harmonic Analysis

We demonstrate how to perform total harmonic distortion (THD) and harmonic analysis on variable frequency waveforms on both AC line (50 or 60 Hz) inputs and variable frequency outputs.

Part 6 – How to Measure Motor Mechanical Speed, Torque and Power

We focus on how to use the Motor Drive Analyzer to measure motor mechanical shaft speed, torque, and angle using a variety of analog, digital, and serial data sensors.

Probing in Power Electronics – What to Use and Why?

Power electronics designs have inherent measurement challenges. There are many specialized high and low voltage single-ended and differential probes to meet the specific needs of this market. However, proper probe selection and use is critical for operator, equipment and DUT safety and also has a large influence on the accuracy of the measurement.

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Part 1 - How to Choose the Correct High Voltage Probe

In this webinar we discuss how to choose the correct high voltage probe, taking into consideration the application and the safety of the operator, equipment, and DUT. The difference between the “right” probe and the “wrong” probe is usually not black and white, but more of a shade of gray.

Part 2 – High Voltage Probe Real-world Examples and Comparisons

In this webinar we provide many real-world application examples and probe comparisons to highlight the practical impact of each high voltage probe type’s strengths and weaknesses in different application examples.

Essential Principles of Power: Voltage, Current and Power – from AC Line to PWM

Learn about the AC utility supply voltages and ratings, and what is meant by Volts, Amps, RMS, true RMS, Watts, VAs, VARs, power factor and phase angle, delta and wye three-phase electrical systems, and the measurement challenges.

Measuring Motor Performance: Using Power Analyzers and Oscilloscopes

In this webinar we will discuss the measurement challenges in debugging a complete motor drive embedded control and power system.

Power Conversion Fundamentals – from Semiconductor Devices to Complex Drives

Learn about the types of power semiconductors used in bridges and drives. We will review how they create pulse-width modulated (PWM) outputs in a variety of different single-device, half-bridge, full-bridge (H-bridge) and Cascaded H-bridge topologies.

MDA 8000HD Intro and Overview
Static Power Analysis
Complete Test Coverage
Vector Display Option
Dynamic Power Analysis
Comprehensive Mechanical Interface
Harmonics Calculation Option

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