Technical Library

Technical Library

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Programming Examples

There are 29 Programming Examples Page 1 of 3 pages.
Programming Examples 1-10

Excel VBA programming example using ActiveDSO (Japanese)

Visual Basic script that automatically sends vertical and horizontal sample point data to an Excel file and saves it as .csv waveform data. Comment lines in Japanese language.

Automation code generator (Japanese)

Generate automation code based on user interactions. You can test the generated code or copy it to your clipboard.

Get display image (Japanese)

Transfer the image from the oscilloscope to the PC and display it in the PictureBox prepared in the dialog.

Binary waveform file template analysis (Japanese)

Waveform files saved in binary format are saved in the waveform template format described in the remote control manual. This sample program displays each attribute of a waveform template on an Excel sheet, and outputs the waveform data converted to voltage on a data sheet.

Measurement parameter settings/acquisition (Japanese)

Set/get values of P1 measurement parameters using automation commands via ActiveDSO.

PythonDSO(VICP library for Python, Japanese)

Using Python3, you can remotely control the oscilloscope via Ethernet (VICP). Remote control is also possible on operating systems such as Linux and Mac. You can also analyze binary files saved on the oscilloscope and convert them to single-precision floating-point arrays.


This script steps executes triggers at each gain range in order to force calibration cycles so that after the script is complete, the scope will calibrate less frequently.

Low-Speed Measurement Data Logger Script

This script software-triggers the scope every 5 seconds and then appends the "min", "max" and "mean" results for measurement P1 to a file on the oscilloscope's hard drive.