Key Features
Automated and easy-to-use solution for IEEE802.3-2018 NBASE-T compliance testing
Complete physical layer test package including the required test fixture, couplers and cables
Supports all PMA Transmitter Tests
No additional spectrum analyzer needed for linearity tests
Supports adding MDI Return Loss Results into the report
Complete Electrical Compliance Test
QPHY-NBASE-T supports signal acquisition for direct SMA cabling together with the TF-NBASE-T, reducing noise and measurement inaccuracies. Since all measurements are made with the oscilloscope and no additional spectrum analyzer is required, the measurement effort is significantly reduced.
Automated Compliance Testing

QPHY-NBASE-T uses the QualiPHY automated compliance test software to operate the oscilloscope and disturbing generator. The QualiPHY test script provides connection diagrams and ensures the proper setup. QualiPHY automates the instrument and provides a comprehensive report of the results including screenshots.
Utilize the power of HDO4096 technology
Teledyne LeCroy's high-resolution 12-bit oscilloscopes use unique HD4096 technology to provide superior and uncompromised measurement performance. HDO4096 technology is designed for high dynamic range measurements and provides the ideal solution for performing transmitter linearity tests for NBase-T.
Comprehensive and Easy-to-read Test Reports
Measurement results often need to be summarized and tabulated to quickly verify specifications. This information, together with instrument and signal acquisition/test condition setups, results in a fully documented record. QPHY-NBASE-T streamlines this process by incorporating an automatic HTML report generation engine. The created test reports contain tabulated numerical values for each individual test result, including PASS/FAIL and specification limit columns. Reports can also be saved as PDF, HTML or XML.
MDI return loss
To complete the report, the results of return loss measurements from WavePulser40iX, T3SP15D or any other VNA can be added using the import function for S1p or S2p files.
Complete Test Fixture
TF-NBASE-T supports both NBase-T and 10GBase-T testing. It breaks out the A, B, C and D pairs from the Ethernet cable to SMA connectors. The kit includes power splitter (2) for adding the disturbing signal (for 2.5GBase-T), 50 Ohm terminators (6), Ethernet cables (2), SMA/SMA cables (2) and SMA/BNC cables (4) needed for testing.