The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) converts time domain waveforms, acquired in an oscilloscope, into frequency domain spectra. This allows the oscilloscope to display the same kind of information usually supplied by an RF spectrum analyzer.
Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscopes help designers of quadrature modulation based communications systems evaluate the dynamic power requirements by providing a fast, easy method to measure instantaneous power on very long data records.
Based on Manchester encoding, the Digital Addressable Lighting Interface links controllers with lighting devices in building infrastructure applications. Here's how to use a Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscope equipped with Manchester decode software to properly decode DALI signals.
Based on Manchester encoding, the PSI5 interface links sensors with controllers in many vehicular applications. Here's how to use a Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscope equipped with Manchester configurable protocol decode software to properly decode PSI5 signals.
Manchester and NRZ encoding schemes serve as building blocks for industry-standard and custom protocols. Here's how to use a Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscope to decode them properly.
Designers of high-speed serial data systems can characterize the level of crosstalk present on signals by using SDAIII-CompleteLinQ features including the Reference Lane, LaneScape Comparison Mode and the Vertical Noise and Crosstalk package to analyze waveforms in both aggressor-on and aggressor-off transmitter configurations. This application note provides information on how to perform this analysis and to understand and compare noise and jitter results.
The Universal Serial Bus (USB) was initiated in 1996. Since then it has undergone major revisions to levels 1.1, 2.0 and now 3.0. Each revision substantially increased the rate of data transfer.
Settling time measurements require that the scope determine how long it takes for an input signal to settle to within a specified tolerance of a fixed voltage level. Since the input signal may make several crossings of the threshold it requires the ability to look at the accumulated time to a final crossing. Using track functions allows a scope to determine when the final crossing has occurred.
The data busses in aircraft and spacecraft require very high quality in transmission and reception since proper communication of commands and data are crucial to operation. The ARINC 429 standard used predominately in commercial aircraft and the MIL-STD-1553 bus used in military avionics and space vehicles (military and commercial) have some common characteristics as well as important differences. This paper will give useful examples of how to view, test and troubleshoot these busses using digital oscilloscopes.
Use ScanOverlay in WaveScan to create eye diagrams for low speed serial signals.